Wfse Contract 2019

The Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE) has recently negotiated a new contract for the year 2019 with the State of Washington. The contract includes a number of important changes and updates that will affect state employees and their working conditions.

One of the key changes in the new WFSE contract is an increase in wages for state employees. Under the terms of the contract, many employees will see a raise of at least 6 percent over the course of the next two years. In addition, the contract includes provisions for pay increases based on performance, which will reward employees who excel in their work.

Another important feature of the WFSE contract is improved healthcare benefits. The new contract includes a reduction in healthcare premiums, which will help employees save money on their healthcare costs. In addition, the contract includes an improved dental plan and expanded coverage for mental health services.

The WFSE contract also includes provisions to improve working conditions for state employees. For example, the contract includes new guidelines for scheduling and overtime, which will help ensure that employees are not overworked or forced to work excessive hours. The contract also includes improved job security and protections for on-the-job injuries.

Overall, the new WFSE contract is a positive development for state employees in Washington. With higher wages, better healthcare benefits, and improved working conditions, employees can look forward to a more secure and rewarding work environment in the coming years.