Learning Agreement Mhh

If you`re a student planning to study at MHH (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover), you`ll likely come across the term "learning agreement" during your application process. A learning agreement is a document that outlines the courses you plan to take while studying abroad and ensures that the credits you earn will transfer back to your home institution.

At MHH, all incoming exchange students are required to submit a learning agreement as part of their application. The agreement should be completed in consultation with your home institution and MHH`s International Office. Here are some key points to keep in mind when filling out your learning agreement for MHH:

1. Course selection: MHH offers a wide range of courses in the medical and health sciences fields. As an exchange student, you`ll have access to most of these courses, but it`s important to choose courses that align with your academic goals and requirements. Consult with your home institution`s academic advisor to ensure that the courses you select will transfer back as credit toward your degree.

2. Credit transfer: The learning agreement should clearly outline the credit hours you`ll earn for each course at MHH. Most European universities use the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) to facilitate credit transfer between institutions. Check with your home university to see if they use ECTS or another credit system, and ensure that your MHH credits will transfer correctly.

3. Deadlines and signatures: The learning agreement must be signed by both your home institution`s academic advisor and MHH`s International Office. Be sure to submit the agreement well in advance of your planned exchange period, as it may take time to secure the necessary signatures and approvals.

4. Changes to the agreement: If you need to make changes to your learning agreement after it has been submitted, you`ll need to work with both your home institution and MHH to ensure that the changes are approved and that credit transfer is still possible.

Overall, the learning agreement is a crucial document for ensuring that your exchange period at MHH is academically successful and that you receive credit towards your degree. Take the time to carefully select your courses and ensure that the agreement is completed and approved well in advance of your planned exchange period.